Find out how to contribute to BLASTNet.

The best way to start contributing and collaborating with us is to send an email to for onboarding instructions.

We also have a google forms that provides a checklist on your contribute data.

Before doing this checkout the standards and formats below.

Standards for BLASTNet

To ensure that all files available on BLASTNet has consistent file formats, we present some necessary standards for improved access:

  1. All simulation datasets must contain [U,ρ,T,P,Y] to ensure that any additional variables can be easily post-processed. Provide chemkin or cantera files so that thermodynamic and transport properties can
  2. X,Y,Z variables can be provided as a mathematical function for structured grids or a single share a single snapshot of the X,Y,Z values.
  3. Shared simulation datasets must have a corresponding publication or conference submission.
  4. All uncompressed files should be in little endian float32 binaries. A Colab/tutorial on how to read and write this format in python is provided here.
  5. Datasets should be uploaded onto Kaggle (tutorial) to simplify batch access via a command line API.
  6. Once files are shared with these standards are met, join BLASTNet by submitting the form above.

Metadata Format

Each submission on blastnet should have a global and local metadata in an info.json file which provides all the important information required to train an ML model. You can interact with these files here.

Global Metadata

metadata['global'] = {
		"Nxyz": [129,129,129],
	"bc":"Periodic in x-, y-, and z-directions.",
	"ic":{"U": "HIT Von Karman Pao with Re_t = 80 and integral lengthscale of 62.5E-6m",
	      "T [K]": 300,
	      "P [Pa]":101325,
	      "Mixture":"CH4-O2 inert branch from 1D cantera counterflow calculations."},
	 "contributors":"Wai Tong Chung and Matthias Ihme",
	 "description":"Compressible Inert CH4-O2 Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence DNS",

Local Metadata

metadata['local'] = [
	"id": 20,
	"time [s]": 6.88389e-06,
	"UX_ms-1 filename": "./data/UX_ms-1_id020.dat",
	"UY_ms-1 filename": "./data/UY_ms-1_id020.dat",
	"UZ_ms-1 filename": "./data/UZ_ms-1_id020.dat",
	"P_Pa filename": "./data/P_Pa_id020.dat",
	"T_K filename": "./data/T_K_id020.dat",
	"RHO_kgm-3 filename": "./data/RHO_kgm-3_id020.dat",
	"YO2 filename": "./data/YO2_id020.dat",
	"YCH4 filename": "./data/YCH4_id020.dat"

Authors and Contributors

We thank the following people for contributing and curating this network-of-datasets:

Name Affilliation Date Joined
Wai Tong Chung Stanford University June 6 2022
Matthias Ihme Stanford University, SLAC National Laboratory June 6 2022
Ki Sung Jung Sandia National Laboratory June 6 2022
Jacqueline H. Chen Sandia National Laboratory June 6 2022
Jack Guo Stanford University June 6 2022
Davy Brouzet Stanford University June 6 2022
Mohsen Talei University of Melbourne June 6 2022
Bin Jiang University of Melbourne Nov 18 2022
Bruno Savard Polytechnique Montréal Jan 26 2023
Alexei Y. Poludnenko University of Connecticut June 7 2023
Bassem Akoush Stanford University June 7 2023
Pushan Sharma Stanford University June 7 2023
Alex Tamkin Stanford University June 7 2023
Qing Wang Google August 29 2023
Shantanu Shahane Google August 29 2023
Yifan Chen Google August 29 2023
Victor Coulon CERFACS February 27 2024
Corentin Lapeyre CERFACS February 27 2024
Michael Gauding RWTH Aachen University November 22 2024
Roshan Samuel Technische Universität Ilmenau November 22 2024
Mathis Bode Jülich Supercomputing Centre November 22 2024


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