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Fully detailed here with citing instructions.

  1. BLASTNet Zenodo
  2. 2023 NeurIPS paper
  3. 2022 AECS Paper
  4. 2022 ICML W. Paper


Fully detailed here.

  1. Bash script to download all BLASTNet simulation data via Kaggle API
  2. Bash scipt to download the Momentum128 3D SR Dataset for 3D turbulent super-resolution.
  3. Kaggle repo the Momentum128 3D SR Dataset for 3D turbulent super-resolution.

Code and Tutorials

  1. Kaggle notebook for browsing BLASTNet data and learning our formats.
  2. Kaggle notebook for multi-GPU training with BLASTNet data.
  3. GitHub Repo for all Kaggle tutorials.
  4. Colab notebook for learning how to use BLASTNet outside of Kaggle environments.
  5. Quick-start instructions for the Kaggle CLI.