H2/CH4 Fuel Mixtures, Turbulent Round Jet Premixed Flame DNS


The DNS configurations by Ho et al. [1] investigates four turbulent round jet flames fueled by 0, 10, 50, and 80% hydrogen by volume, with the rest by methane, while maintaining the jet Reynolds number at 10,300. The jet is preheated to 450 K and the coflow is set to the adiabatic combustion products. The setup is initialized with combustion products at adiabatic flame temperature and at atmospheric pressure. A reduced mechanism with Quasi-Steady State chemistry is used, resulting in 16 transported species and 7 QSS species. The original simulation domain size is 25D×16D×16D, though note that the sponge layer data has been removed from this dataset, resulting in a 19.3D×5D×5D domain. After removal of the sponge layer, the grid sizes are 1739×620×620, 1749×486×486, 1730×571×571, and 1831×654×654 for the H0, H10, H50, and H80 cases, respectively. Five snapshots of each case is provided.

The DNS is performed using the code NTMIX-CHEMKIN, which solves fully compressible Navier-Stokes equations along with energy and species conservation equations in Cartesian coordinates. The solver uses an eight-order explicit central spatial difference scheme and a third-order Runge-Kutta time integration scheme. Ideal gas law and mixture-averaged species-specific properties are used for the simulations. Further details of the DNS configuration and solver are provided in Ho et al. [1].

Quick Info

  • Contributors: Jen Zen Ho, Mohsen Talei
  • DOI
  • .bib
ID Conditions Size (GB) Links
0 0% H2 100% CH4 790 Kaggle1, info.json1
Kaggle2, info.json2
Kaggle3, info.json3
Kaggle4, info.json4
Kaggle5, info.json5
1 10% H2 90% CH4 490 Kaggle1, info.json1
Kaggle2, info.json2
Kaggle3, info.json3
Kaggle4, info.json4
Kaggle5, info.json5
2 50% H2 50% CH4 654 Kaggle1, info.json1
Kaggle2, info.json2
Kaggle3, info.json3
Kaggle4, info.json4
Kaggle5, info.json5
3 80% H2 20% CH4 878 Kaggle1, info.json1
Kaggle2, info.json2
Kaggle3, info.json3
Kaggle4, info.json4
Kaggle5, info.json5


[1]. J. Z. Ho, M. Talei, and R. L. Gordon. Direct numerical simulation of stoichiometric hydrogen/methane premixed jet flames. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 81, pp. 831-841 (2024).
